Leana Marie Marshall - "Diversity and Inclusion at Corepower"

Leana Marie Marshall - "Diversity and Inclusion at Corepower"

Leana Marie Marshall, founder of Elle Em Consulting and blackyogateachers365, talks with J about her time at Corepower Yoga and the need for more diversity and inclusion in the yoga industry. They discuss the reasons why POC don’t feel welcomed, working her way through the Corepower system, her attempts to reform inequities, harsh actions taken during the pandemic, and helping everyone feel valued and respected.

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Dylan Galos - "Epidemiology, Covid, BLM, and Yoga"

Dylan Galos - "Epidemiology, Covid, BLM, and Yoga"

Dylan Galos, epidemiologist and evaluator, friend of the show, talks with J about the current health crisis and the Black Lives Matter movement. They discuss the role of epidemiology, the science behind pandemics, data sets and policy recommendations, effectiveness of masks, impacts of social distance, the intersection of the shutdown and BLM protests, a queer black man’s perspective, and aspects of yoga that help people get through.

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Todd Norian - "Tantra of Unbreakable Wholeness"

Todd Norian - "Tantra of Unbreakable Wholeness"

Todd Norian, author of Tantra Yoga: Journey to Unbreakable Wholeness, talks with J about his time in community and his path to Tantra. They discuss, his thirteen years at Kripalu, his relationship to Amrit Desai, what to make of fallen gurus, endurance training, desire for partnership and eating meat, and the Tantric teachings that support us in a process by which we shine the light of consciousness into the shadows to gain self-knowledge.

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Neal Pollack - "Marijuana Addiction and Legal Weed"

Neal Pollack - "Marijuana Addiction and Legal Weed"

Neal Pollack, aka “The Greatest Living American Writer” and author of Pothead: My Life as a Marijuana Addict in the Age of Legal Weed, talks with J about cannabis and addressing addiction issues. They discuss shared history from an earlier time in the yoga world, struggles Neal explores in his book, underlying issues at play in addiction, what it took to make the necessary changes, and the honesty essential to being a good person.

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Mugs McConnell - "Letters from the Yoga Masters"

Mugs McConnell - "Letters from the Yoga Masters"

Mugs McConnell, author of Letters from the Yoga Masters, talks with J about the correspondence and lessons she received from Dr. Hari Dickman. Mugs shares the history of her relationship to yoga, how she ended up having access to over 700 letters from yoga figures such as Paramhansa Yogananda, Ramana Maharshi and Swami Sivananda, what to make of gurus falling from grace, and earnest inquiry at the heart of yogic understanding.

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Charles Eisenstein - "Narrative War and Peace"

Charles Eisenstein - "Narrative War and Peace"

Charles Eisenstein is an author whose recent essays, The Coronation and The Conspiracy Myth, caused some controversy in the yoga world and J happened into a chance to speak with him in response to the critiques. They discuss separation vs interbeing, whether or not he is a “trojan horse for the anti-vaxx movement,” reasonable questions regarding the pandemic and science, conspiracy as a theory and myth, narrative warfare and more...

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Timothy McCall, MD - "Beyond Reductionist Intervention"

Timothy McCall, MD  - "Beyond Reductionist Intervention"

Timothy McCall, MD, author of three books, Examining Your Doctor: A Patient's Guide to Avoiding Harmful Medical Care; Yoga as Medicine: The Yogic Prescription for Health and Healing, and his latest; Saving My Neck: A Doctor's East/West Journey Through Cancer, talks with J about reductionist science and intuition. They discuss Timothy’s decision to stop practicing medicine and dedicate himself to yoga and how direct experience trumps everything else.

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Derek Beres - "Conspirituality, Media, and Medicine"

Derek Beres - "Conspirituality, Media, and Medicine"

Derek Beres, columnist for Big Think and host of the EarthRise Podcast, talks with J about the intersection of conspiracy theories, the wellness industry, and healthy skepticism. They discuss Derek’s history as a journalist and movement enthusiast, the article he wrote debunking the plandemic video, fake vs real conspiracies, media manipulation and the politics of healthcare, psychedelics, and the nuance needed to make informed and smart choices.

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Mel Russo - "Local Yoga, Corporate Gigs, and Personal Touch"

Mel Russo - "Local Yoga, Corporate Gigs, and Personal Touch"

Mel Russo, native New Yorker and old friend, reminisces with J about the early days and shares an inside take on the closing of Yoga Works and the future of the studio model. They discuss moving west, living in the east-village back when the rents were low, managing and owning a center, having to close shop and take a gig at Yoga Works, why it all fell apart there and what was happening when the pandemic hit, and the choices teachers face.

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Nyk Danu - "DIY Spirit with a Punk Rock Heart"

Nyk Danu - "DIY Spirit with a Punk Rock Heart"

Nyk Danu, Therapeutic Yoga Teacher and Yin Yoga Teacher Trainer, has been corresponding with J for years and they finally connect to touch base on what’s happening at the grassroots. They discuss Nyk’s history and appetite for learning, hosting your own classes vs teaching at centers, the hardcore nature of simple practice, how different centers are handling the stay-at-home orders, and keeping it together when the world is falling apart,

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Derek Sivers - "Solving Problems and Self Expansion"

Derek Sivers - "Solving Problems and Self Expansion"

Derek Sivers, musician, producer, circus performer, entrepreneur, TED speaker, and best known as the founder of CD Baby, talks with J about shifting viewpoints, solving problems, and self expansion. They discuss means for utilizing inspiration, thinking smart instead of strategically, taking control and choosing how we engage technology, creative process as problem solving, expanding ourselves with fun, and intrinsic fascination.

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Joe and Alexis Simek - "Coming Together to Get Through"

Joe and Alexis Simek - "Coming Together to Get Through"

Joe Simek and Alexis Ridge-Simek, co-owners of Dragonfly Yoga, talk with J about their community coming together to get through the shut down. Originally intended to be recorded at a live event to celebrate the 15-year anniversary of their yoga center which had to be postponed, they discuss how things were going before the pandemic, steps they took to get ahead of the stay home orders, and the heart and soul that is holding it all together.

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Justine Cohen and Michael Ponte - “Weathering the Storm”

Justine Cohen and Michael Ponte - “Weathering the Storm”

Justine Wiltshire Cohen and Michael Ponte, owner and manager at Down Under Yoga School of Yoga in Boston, talk with J about what how things have been going since Justine was last on the show three years ago and what they are doing to meat the challenge of the pandemic crisis. They discuss Down Under’s transition to making teachers employees, efforts they are making to survive the shut down, and core principles that guide their choices.

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Ryan Cunningham - "Gender Identity Consciousness"

Ryan Cunningham - "Gender Identity Consciousness"

Ryan Cunningham, co-host of Unrolled Podcast, returns to touch base on what has happened since their last visit and schools J on gender and identity. They discuss what happened after Ryan went from being a yoga center manager to owner, getting licensed as a massage therapist, being more public about expressing their non-binary viewpoint, and why choosing pronouns has deeper implications for justice and human consciousness.

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Cecily Milne - "New Paradigms and a Yoga Detour"

Cecily Milne - "New Paradigms and a Yoga Detour"

Cecily Milne, founder of Yoga Detour, talks with J about the changing paradigm of yoga practice in the west and the ways in which she has grown and evolved alongside the changing conversation. They discuss her departure from Ashtanga Yoga and exploration of other movement modalities, the influences that have shaped her perspective, classifications and meeting expectations, and moving through the discomfort.

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Diane Paylor - "Real Deal Holyfield"

Diane Paylor - "Real Deal Holyfield"

Diane Paylor, author of Yin Yoga: Essential Poses and Sequences for Balanced Energy, participated in J’s Weekly Teachers Class last year and they re-connect in this intimate conversation about struggles and strengths. They discuss Diane’s mom’s struggle with cancer, her former life as a writer for Sassy magazine, finding yourself through yoga, focusing on strengths instead of struggles, and delving into truth with courage.

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Rob Walker - "The New Yoga"

Rob Walker - "The New Yoga"

Rob Walker, author of the The New Yoga: From Cults and Dogma to Science and Sanity, talks with J about taking a hard look at critical questions and proposing common-sense yoga for the future. They discuss how yoga classes have recently changed, the movement to make yoga classes safer and more inclusive by debunking myths and telling a more accurate history, drawing upon movement science, and six principles that add clarity.

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Michael Hayes - "Larger Bodies, Inclusivity, and Perseverance"

Michael Hayes - "Larger Bodies, Inclusivity, and Perseverance"

Michael Hayes, founder of Buddha Body Yoga and an early pioneer in bringing yoga to larger bodies, talks with J about his early NY roots and the evolving conversation around how to make yoga more inclusive. They discuss Michael’s early studies in Gurdjieff and massage therapy, the process of discovering yoga that worked for him, some of the tools he uses, and the passion that fuels and sustains a lifelong inquiry into yoga.

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Kaya Mindlin - "Parampara and Authentic Yoga"

Kaya Mindlin - "Parampara and Authentic Yoga"

Kaya Mindlin, founder of Supreme Release Yoga, was referred to J as someone who would speak candidly with him about difficult topics and she did not disappoint. They discuss the meaning of Parampara, misinformed mindsets that modern approaches to yoga propagate, Vedic astrology and Ayurveda, guidance on how to choose teachers, and the truth that we lack nothing and Yoga can not give you anything,

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Nischala Joy Devi - "Meditation in the Yoga Tradition"

Nischala Joy Devi - "Meditation in the Yoga Tradition"

Nischala Joy Devi, author of Meditation in the Yoga Tradition and The Secret Power of Yoga, returns to offer J a yogic perspective on meditation and a practical application of Patañjali’s Yogasūtras. She discusses the concept of “dynamic stillness,” the difference between consciousness and mind, residing in the heart instead of controlling mind, defining Dharana-Dhyana-Samadhi, and nurturing a sustained steady rhythm and a dedicated heart.

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