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What Makes Yoga Talks Different?

“Each and every voice adds to my limited understanding of this life choice I undertook when I began saying "I practice yoga.”

Isabel daSilva

“Your podcast not only helped me through teacher training, but has continued to be a source of comfort, strength, and refuge.”

Zach Redler

“Even my boyfriend ended up listening which is one of the strengths of your podcast: it is accessible for anyone. Great work!”

Stephanie Benoit




415. Ryan Kurczak - "Stepping into a Samadhi State" →

414. Tara Stiles - "Online Influence, Return to Creativity" →

413. Jonathan FitzGordon - "Learning to Move and Be Well" →

412. Paul JJ Alix - "Strict Protocols for Committed Students" →

411. Nate Klemp - "Strategies for a Distracted World" →

410. Josh Thomas - "Being Expansive Amidst Deep Suffering" →

409. Weena Pauly - "Impulse Towards Aliveness" →

408. Keith Parker - "Chakras and Auras are Real" →

407. Year End Check in with J - "Standing at a Crossroads" →

406. Katie Hemphill - "Biomedical Engineering to Animism" →

405. Radha Metro-Midkiff - "Gurus, Disciples, Institutions" →

404. Brett Larkin - "Youtube, Kundalini, and Yoga Industry" →

403. Diana May - "Having a Regulated Nervous System" →

402. John Stirk - "Awakening to the Unknown" →

401. Philip Deslippe - "Truth About Yogi Bhajan and 3HO" →

400. Ruth White - "Iyengar's UK Roots, Essence of Yoga" →

399. Cristina & Diego - "The World in Barefoot Shoes" →

398. Joe Simek - "Goals and Trajectories for Yoga Centers" →

397. Mark Walsh - "Trauma, Embodiment, Facebook Bombs" →

396. Jason Shaw/Emily Brown - "Quality Yoga & Furniture" →

395. Bobbi Paidel - "Guru Relationships, Timeless Wisdom" →

394. Rod Stryker - "Knowledge, Power and Devotion" →

393. Divya Kohli - "A Midlife Crisis of Yoga" →

392. David McGrath - "Yamas, Niyamas, Life Accordance" →

391. Gary Kraftsow - "Nonsectarian But Not Secular" →

390. Ryan Cunningham - "Return of Brick-and-Mortar Yoga?" →

389. Check In with J - "Economics of a Yoga Center in 2023" →

388. Michael Hutchinson - "Your Breath Wants to Help You" →

387. Andrew Eppler - "BNS Iyengar, Mysore Yoga Traditions" →

386. Anoop Kumar - "Insufficiency of Biopsychosocial Model" →

385. David Procyshyn - "Going Online with DoYogaWithMe" →

384. Frank Jude Boccio - "Depths of Religious Naturalism" →

383. Ranju Roy and Dave Charlton - "Religiousness and Yoga" →

382. Ron Baker - "A Souls Journey into Awakening" →

381. Beth Shaw - "Into the Mainstream with YogaFit" →

380. Concetta Troskie - "Healing Arts, Trauma, Spirit" →

379. Annabelle Brown - "Overcoming OCD and Anxiety" →

378. Ron Brent - "Yogi Bhajan, Muktananda, Kundalini" →

377. J. with Daniel Simpson - "Controversy and J's Dad" →

376. Joshua Schrei - "Temporal Reality, Harmonic Universe" →

375. R. Sriram - "Rationality, Religiousness, and the Divine" →

374. Gill Lloyd - "TKV Desikachar, Art of Living Peacefully" →

373. Hari-kirtana das - "Individual Souls, Supreme Being" →

372. Jessamyn Stanley - "Fat Positivity, Narrative Disruption" →

371. Andrew Tanner - "Cults, Industry, and Future Prospects" →

370. Bashira Muhammad - "Mycological Wonders" →

369. Dr. Lisa Miller - "The Awakened Brain" →

368. Kamini Desai - "Lineage, Life Lessons, Manifest Divinity" →

367. Genny Wilkinson - "Starting Anew with Mission" →

366. Dona Holleman - "Theosophy, J. Krishnamurti, Iyengar” →

365. Lolly Stirk - "Active Birth Movement, Prenatal Yoga" →

364. Peter Blackaby - "Does God Exist?" →

363. James Matthew Brown - "Maty Ezraty and Purpose" →

362. Mike De Masi - "Learning from Srivatsa Ramaswami" →

361. Acharya Shunya - "Recontextualizing Vedic Wisdom" →

360. Monica Gauci - "Healing From the Inside Out" →

359. Colin Dunsmuir - "TKV Desikachar and Relationship" →

358. Hamish Hendry - "Enduring Mysore Self-Practice" →

357. Lisa Petersen - "Presence and a New Sense of Self" →

356. John Stirk - "Living at the End of Exhalation" →

355. Year End Check-In with J - “Zoloft, MRI’s, Divine Spirit” →

354. Richard Rosen - "Who Was I Then? Who Am I Now?" →

353. Elisa Malinverni - "Stories of Hope and Self-Healing" →

352. Adam Bucko - "Prayer, God, Engaged Contemplation" →

351. Bernie Clark - "Your Body, Your Yoga Trilogy" →

350. Rick Olderman - "Systems Approach to Chronic Pain" →

349. Esther Gokhale - "Primal Posture, The Gokhale Method" →

348. Jonni Pollard - "Vedic Meditation, Subtle Dimensions" →

347. Tanis Fishman - "What Do You Trust?" →

346. James Swanwick - "Blue Light and Circadian Rhythms" →

345. Sam Wilde - "Connection, Liberation, The Great Mother" →

344. Laurel Beversdorf - "Grace, Purpose, Resistance Bands" →

343. Eric Shaw - "A Comprehensive Yoga Timeline" →

342. Catherine Annis - "Evolution of Yoga Teacher Training" →

341. Libby Hinsley - "Yoga and Hypermobility Syndromes" →

340. Nikki Costello - "Reimagining the Classroom" →

339. Sukadev Bretz - "How a Spiritual Community is Created" →

338. Jeff Carreira - "Spiritual Awakening, Cosmic Awareness" →

337. Robin Rose Bennett - "Healing Ways of the Green Witch" →

336. Glenn Murphy - "Systema and Spirituality" →

335. Linda Cassidy - "Realization of the Divine" →

334. Alma Duran - "How's Your Discernment?" →

333. Lauren Walker - "You Are Electromagnetic" →

332. Monica Voss - "Vanda Scaravelli and Esther Myers" →

331. Bari Gratton - "Shaping a Better Yoga Profession" →

330. Blake Tedder - "Trauma, Personal Practice, and Beyond" →

329. Karin Lynn Carlson - "Quitting Yoga, Embracing Prayer" →

328. Nick Beem - "Moving From Technology to Ritual" →

327. Kat Rosenfield - "Politics in the Yoga Space" →

326. Sophie Strand - "Overwhelming Suffering with Beauty" →

325. Nischala Devi - "Devotion to Higher Consciousness" →

324. Leslie Kaminoff - "Methods and Causeless Causes" →

323. Shamini Jain - "Holistic Elements Activate Life-Force" →

322. Amy Matthews - "Ecosystems and Educational Models" →

321. Lorin Roche - "Instinctive, Spontaneous Delight" →

320. Harmony Slater - "Reconciliation and God" →

319. Indu Arora - "Yoga Nidra and the Macrocosmic Body" →

318. Frey Faust - "Freedom, Pedagogy and The Axis Syllabus" →

317. Daniel Simpson - "How Traditional is Your Yoga?" →

316. Kathryn Bruni-Young - "Adaptability and Resilience" →

315. Steve James - "Fields of Inquiry with Guru Viking" →

314. Alejandro Chaoul - "Channels & Winds of Tibetan Yoga" →

313. Angela Farmer & Victor van Kooten - "Evolving Process" →

312. Doug Keller - "Vedas, Tantra, Hatha Yoga, and Rebirth" →

311. Melissa McKay - "Vipassana and Metta Meditation" →

310. Cara Suttie - "Assumptions, Attitudes, Accessibility" →

309. Swami Saradananda - "On Haṭha Yoga Pradīpikā" →

308. Lucas Rockwood - "Are Yoga Centers Coming Back?" →

307. Taran Rosenthal - "Healing Energy Interventions" →

306. Cory Nakasue - "Cosmos and Consciousness" →

305. Julia Frodahl - "Taoism, Psychology, and Dreams" →

304. Dan Vekhter - "Neurology, Spirit, and Finger Smoothies" →

303. Michael Meade - "Initiation, Imagination, Living Myth" →

302. Tori Lunden - "How Not To Teach Yoga" →

301. Sadia Bruce - "Fields of Intimacy and Disruption" →

300. Annabelle Brown - "Magical Worlds and Healing Wishes" →

299. Tatjana Mesar - "Adaption and Integrity Post-Pandemic" →

298. Lauren Walker - "We Are All Energy" →

297. Renee Diamond and Joanna Rajendran - "Honoring Tao" →

296. Adam Keen - "Teachings and Teachers" →

295. Michael Falcone - "In Search of Mahavatar Babaji" →

294. Joshua Schrei - "Pulses, Rhythms and Resonances" →

293. Kristin Leal - "Reverse Engineering Awe" →

292. Brandt Passalacqua - "Aid Suffering, Spiritual Evolution" →

291. Simon Goss - "Sensitive New Age Guys" →

290. Robert Moses - "Consciousness, Liberation, Karma" →

289. Gina Zimmerman - "Beyond Personal Identity" →

288. Mike Huggins - "Living Under A Broken Model" →

287. Lizzie Lasater - "Holding This Moment" →

286. Jacob Kyle - "Scholarship and Embodied Philosophy" →

285. Eliana Moreira - "Underbellies and Silver Linings" →

284. Paul Langland - "Improvisatory Virtuosic Moments" →

283. Carl Horowitz - "Old School NY and Patterns of Tension" →

282. Michelle Ryan - "TT and Hierarchies of Dominance" →

281. Eve Grzybowski - "Radical Generosity in Retirement" →

280. Sally Kempton - "Obedience, Tantra, and Subtle Body" →

279. Brian Cooper - "Yoga Professionals" →

278. Frank Jude Boccio - "Religious But Not Spiritual" →

277. Brendan McCall - "Yoga of Contemporary Dance" →

276. Julie Smerdon - "The Great Experiment" →

275. Kristine Kaoverii Weber - "Subtle Yoga, Subtle Life" →

274. Dave and Stacy Dockins - "#vanlife #yogateacher" →

273. Divya Kohli - "Discernment, Surrender, Finding Peace" →

272. Kate Herrera Jenkins - "Christ, Yoga, Native Strength" →

271. Jennifer Kurdyla - "Root and Nourish" →

270. Jay Marcus and Chris Clark - "The Coherence Effect" →

269. Alison West - "Yoga Union NYC and Beyond" →

268. Kari Hohne - "Romancing the Numinous" →

267. Norman Blair - "State of the Yoga Teacher Union" →

266. Kelly Kamm - "Fringe Dwelling Then and Now" →

265. Jessie Nieusma - "Trans, Gender and Sex Education" →

264. Kathryn Anne Flynn - "Teach Kind, Clear Yoga" →

263. Katchie Ananda - "Gender Spectrum and Biological Sex" →

262. Gregor Maehle - "Finding Your Life's Divine Purpose" →

261. Rachel Feinberg - "Inquiry, Alignment, Word of Mouth" →

260. Madhava Setty - "Consciousness and Conspiracy" →

259. Sheena Sood - "Caste, Decolonization and Liberation" →

258. Valerie Hauser - "Protecting Indigenous Culture" →

257. Kiko Ellsworth - "Serving the Goddess" →

256. Gil Hedley - "Who Am I and What is My Body?" →

255. Todd Mclaughlin - "J on Native Yoga Toddcast" →

254. Daniel Simpson - "Exposing Truth in Yoga and Beyond" →

253. Lucy Karnani - "Conscious Communication" →

252. Krishna Das - "Grace and Learning to Trust Yourself" →

251. Trina Altman - "Yoga Deconstructed" →

250. Andrew Rosenstock - "Rolfing, Integration, Somatics" →

249. Elisa Malinverni - “Coping with Covid Fatigue” →

248. Hareesh Wallis - "Shifting Paradigms and Near Enemies" →

247. Adam Schwartz - "Yoga to the People Shadow Work" →

246. Lucie Vogel - "Reckoning of Undue Influence" →

245. Chris Preist - "The Future Buddha is the Sangha" →

244. Heather Plett - "The Art of Holding Space" →

243. Jeff Krasno - "Rising Above the Invective" →

242. Hong Gwi-Seok - "Somatic Particularity in Iyengar Yoga" →

241. Judith Hanson Lasater - "Yoga Myths, Spiritual Practice" →

240. Simon Borg-Olivier - "Natural Body, Essence of Yoga" →

239. Seane Corn - "QAnon and Radical Accountability" →

238. Amy Weintraub - "Sacred Sexuality in Temple Dancer" →

237. Richard Freeman and Mary Taylor - "On Bhagavad Gita" →

236. Monea Tamara - "Racial Justice and Grounding Force" →

235. Carol Horton - "Grounded Hope in Authoritarian Times" →

234. Kishor Stein - "Manouso Manos and Abuses of Power" →

233. Tias Little - "Imaginary Realm of the Wisdom Path" →

232. Max Strom - "Emotional Healing, Core Human Needs" →

231. Nicola Belen - "Yoga of Feeling Connected" →

230. Barbara Verrochi - "Long Live The Shala NYC" →

229. Amy Wheeler - "Satvic Purpose, Professional Survival" →

228. Leana Marie Marshall - "Diversity at Corepower" →

227. Dylan Galos - "Epidemiology, Covid, BLM, and Yoga" →

226. Todd Norian - "Tantra of Unbreakable Wholeness" →

225. Neal Pollack - "Marijuana Addiction and Legal Weed" →

224. Mugs McConnell - "Letters from the Yoga Masters" →

223. Charles Eisenstein - "Narrative War and Peace" →

222. Timothy McCall, MD - "Beyond Reductionism" →

221. Derek Beres - "Conspirituality, Media, and Medicine" →

220. Mel Russo - "Local Yoga and Corporate Gigs" →

219. Nyk Danu - "DIY Spirit with a Punk Rock Heart" →

218. Derek Sivers - "Solving Problems and Self Expansion" →

217. Joe/Alexis Simek - "Coming Together, Getting Through" →

216. Justine Cohen/Michael Ponte - “Weathering the Storm” →

215. Ryan Cunningham - "Gender Identity Consciousness" →

214. Cecily Milne - "New Paradigms and a Yoga Detour" →

213. Diane Paylor - "Real Deal Holyfield" →

212. Rob Walker - "The New Yoga" →

211. Michael Hayes - "Larger Bodies and Inclusivity" →

210. Kaya Mindlin - "Parampara and Authentic Yoga" →

209. Nischala Joy Devi - "Meditation in the Yoga Tradition" →

208. Ranju Roy and Dave Charlton - "Embodying Yoga Sutra" →

207. Haley Laughter - "Indigenous Yoga Inspired" →

206. Colleen Boyd - "Downtown Desert Yoga" →

205. Greg Peterson - "The Urban Farm" →

204. Coby Kozlowski - “Kripalu Vinyasa” →

203. Tatjana Mesar - "Zen Yoga Berlin" →

202. Nikki Vilella - "Adjustments in the Evolution of Yoga" →

201. J Talks About Christie Roe and Mark Whitwell →

200. Seth Powell & Chase Bossart - "Patañjali’s Yogasūtras" →

199. David Moore - "The Alexander Technique" →

198. Michael Lear - "Trager Approach and Ashtanga Yoga" →

197. Jay Fields - "Teaching People Not Poses" →

196. Alex Auder - "Instagram Dicks and Somatic Dominance" →

195. Catherine Salin Derrow - "NY Times Covers Consent” →

194. Ethan Nichtern - "Shambhala and Death of the Guru" →

193. Ean Price Murphy - "Money Shame Sucks" →

192. Donna Farhi - "Iyengar Abuse and Yoga Pedagogy" →

191. Amy Quinn Suplina - "Best Practices for Studio Owners" →

190. Julie Dohrman - "Unionization and Evolving Industry" →

189. Luvena Rangel - "Cultural Appropriation/Appreciation" →

188. Godfrey Devereux - "Unintimidated by Ideologies" →

187. Marlysa Sullivan - "Eudaemonia and Polyvagal Theory" →

186. Ian Baker - "Tibetan Yoga and Tantric Buddhism" →

185. Nathan Oxenfeld - "Yoga for the Eyes" →

184. Timothy Lynch - "Mysore Ashtanga Deauthorized" →

183. Dan Coniglio - "Wim Hof Method" →

182. Chara Caruthers - "Loving Yourself Through Ayurveda" →

181. Mark Whitwell - "The Great Tradition" →

180. Nicole Cardoza - “Reclamation in Wellness Spaces” →

179. Frederick Newbill III - "Intersecting Race and Religion" →

178. Lehigh Valley Yoga Festival - “Mindfulness Matters” →

177. Guy Donahaye - "Guru Worship in Ashtanga Yoga" →

176. Molly Lannon Kenny - "Pioneering Radical Yoga Service" →

175. Ida Jo - "Woman of Yoga" →

174. Neil Pearson - “Yoga and Science in Pain Care” →

173. AU 2019 - Nicole Walsh, Mark O’Brien, Michael Manincor →

172. Nischala Joy Devi - "The Namaste Effect" →

171. Lauren Walker - "Energy Medicine Yoga" →

170. Chase Bossart - "Yogasūtras, Samkhya, and Gita" →

169. Bernie McDonald - "Walking and Learning America" →

168. Lara Land - "Being an Ally for Diversity in Yoga" →

167. Michelle Johnson - "Dismantling Racist Oppression" →

166. Jana Long - "History of Blacks and Yoga in the U.S." →

165. James Mallinson - "Uncovering Yoga’s Ancestral Past" →

164. Brooklyn 2019 - Amy Matthews, Sam Chase, Christie Roe →

163. Peter Blackaby and Bernie Clark - "Body Patterns" →

162. Greg Lehman - "Recovery Strategies for Pain" →

161. Dr. Aimée Shunney - "CBD and Cannabis Medicine" →

160. Mike Huggins - “Yoga Service: No Money No Mission” →

159. Mary Jennings - “Sub-Lease Yoga Studio Collective” →

158. Gina Price - "Exploring Sociocracy" →

157. David Dodd - "Organization, Anarchy and Yoga" →

156. Rama Jyoti Vernon - “Great-Grandma of American Yoga" →

155. Norman Blair - "Yoga Teachers and Pay" →

154. Amayu Ashtanga - "Reimagining a Yoga Tradition" →

153. Frank Jude Boccio - "Zen Naturalism, Mindfulness Yoga" →

152. Bernie Clark - "Your Spine, Your Yoga" →

151. Seth Powell - "History and Philosophy of Yoga" →

150. Rachel Brathen - "Instagram Yoga Girl on What is Real" →

149. Annie Carpenter - "The Evolution of YTT" →

148. Kerry Maiorca - “Inside the Yoga Alliance” →

147. Tao Porchon-Lynch - “Opening the Gateway of Life” →

146. Neil Boyd - "Farming, Friendship, and Yoga" →

145. Hauora Yoga Conference - “Yoga Therapy in NZ” →

144. Michael de Manincor- "Kaleidoscope of Wisdom" →

143. Anne Jablonski - “Freedom and Mindful Unplug” →

142. Karen Rain - "Pattabhi Jois Was Not a Great Yogi" →

141. Genny Wilkinson Priest - "Can Ashtanga Evolve?" →

140. Gregor Maehle - "Truth & Reconciliation in Ashtanga” →

139. Pedro Luna - "Instagram and Beyond" →

138. Karin Carlson - "Yoga Alliance is Beside the Point" →

137. Nadiya Nottingham - "Pragmatic Mysticism" →

136. Shelly Prosko - "Biopsychosocial-Spiritual Model" →

135. Carrie Owerko - "Nontraditional Iyengar" →

134. Dr. Loren Fishman - "Medical Practice of Yoga" →

133. Jessie Barr and Tom O'Brien - "Om City Series" →

132. Patti Safian - “Never Give Over Your Power” →

131. Philip Goldberg - "Lineage and Life of Yogananda” →

130. Larry Payne - “Prime of Life, Yoga Therapy Rx” →

129. Mirka Scalco Kraftsow - "With Love for Desikachar" →

128. Gary Kraftsow - "What is Viniyoga?” →

127. Richard Miller - "Nondual Wisdom, Modern Adaptation" →

126. R. Sriram - "Legacy of TKV Desikachar" →

125. Faith Hunter - "Spiritually Fly" →

124. Jerome Armstrong - "History of Hot Yoga" →

123. Benjamin Lorr - "Exposing Bikram Yoga” →

122. Arundhati Baitmangalkar - "Modern Yoga Bollywood" →

121. Beryl Bender Birch - "The Original Power Yoga” →

120. Kristen Fewel - "Yoga Center Reinvented” →

119. Erin Heisel - "Flow States and Play Spheres" →

118. Joe Simek - "Small Yoga, Big Impacts" →

117. Cheryl Urbanczyk - "Female Muslim Hijab Yogi"  →

116. Andrea Ferretti - "Yogaland and Transparency" →

115. Prabha Sinha - "Turning Grief Into Giving"  →

114. Matthew Remski - "Somatic Dominance and Trauma"  →

113. Sarai Harvey-Smith - "Beyond Mysore and KPJAYI"  →

112. Scott Johnson - "Stillpoint Yoga London"  →

111. Kino MacGregor - "Conflicts and Confluences"  →

110. Tara Stiles - "Yoga Rebel circa 2011"  →

109. Peter Blackaby - "Intelligent Yoga"  →

108. Schuyler Grant - "Kula and Wanderlust" →

107. Ana Forrest and Jose Calarco - "Fierce Medicine" →

106. Gernot Huber - "Disrupting the Stress Response"  →

105. Danny Paradise - "Evolution of Ashtanga"  →

104. Theo Wildcroft - "Post-Lineage Yoga" →

103. Andrew Tanner - "YA Standards Review Project"  →

102. Jonathan Sattin - "triyoga London"  →

101. Roseanne Harvey - "Its all yoga, baby"  →

100. Richard Freeman - "Synthesizer of Traditions"  →

99. Amina Naru - "Yoga in the Criminal Justice System"  →

98. Tiffany Cruikshank - "Yoga Medicine" →

97. Maria Kirsten - "Yoga for Grown Ups"  →

96. Rexx Anthony - "Rogue Ashtanga"  →

95. Seane Corn - "Assume Humanity"  →

94. Or Shahar - "Israeli Buddhist, Light of the Dawn"  →

93. Barbara Benagh - "Boston Legend, Slow Flow Master"  →

92. Justine Mastin - "Fangirl Geek-centric YogaQuest"  →

91. Anneke Lucas - "Conspiracy of Patriarchy"  →

90. Jill Miller - "Hip Replacement Surgery"  →

89. Alexis Marbach and Caitlin Lanier - "Trauma-Informed"  →

88. Sadie Nardini - "Rock Your Yoga"  →

87. Lucas Rockwood - "doTerra is a Scam"  →

86. Matthew Taylor - "Organizational Yoga Therapy"  →

85. Kimberly Wilson - "Tranquil Space DC"  →

84. Roody Senecal - "Tribe Brooklyn and Karmasoft"  →

83. Jillian Pransky - "Deep Listening, Restorative Yoga"  →

82. Vanessa Kudrat Weinberg - "Kundalini and Startups"  →

81. Trina Altman - "Interdisciplinary Movement"  →

80. Melissa Hagedorn - "Northwest Yoga Conference"  →

79. Noah Mazé - "Adventure, Anusara, and Spirituality"  →

78. Cora Wen - "The Fame Game"  →

77. Leslie Kaminoff - "The Breathing Project: Final Event" →

76. Nischala Devi - "The Full Yoga"  →

75. David Lipsius - "Yoga Alliance Reboot"  →

74. Michelle Ryan - "Collectively Running a Center"  →

73. Amy Ippoliti - "Anusara Veteran, Evolving Leadership"  →

72. Temple Fiergola - "Underpaid and Undervalued"  →

71. Justine Wiltshire Cohen - "Down Under Yoga Boston"  →

70. Adriene Mishler - "Yoga with Adriene"  →

69. Amy Matthews - "Embodied Asana, Ordinary Magic"  →

68. Alexandria Crow - "Evolution of Yoga Physics"  →

67. Accessible Yoga NYC 2017 - "Ageism and Ableism" →

66. Amber Karnes - "Body Positivity and The New Grind"  →

65. Sadia Bruce - "Yoga Industrial Complex"  →

64. Joe Sandor - "Numbers Side of the Yoga Biz"  →

63. India Supera - "Feathered Pipe Ranch"  →

62. Andrew Tanner @ YJ Live 2017 - "Future of Yoga"  →

61. Jivana Heyman - "Accessible Yoga"  →

60. Sam Rudra Swartz - "Ashram Living in NYC"  →

59. Anna Guest-Jelley - "Curvy Yoga"  →

58. Zack Kurland - "Yogaland Departed"  →

57. Dylan Galos - "Epidemiologist aka Clydesdale Yogi"  →

56. Beth Donnelly Cabán - "Circles of Support"  →

55. Donna Farhi - "The Way Forward"  →

54. Mike Huggins - "Prison Yoga"  →

53. Peter Blackaby - "Beyond Anatomy"  →

52. Helene Couvrette - "Therapeutic Yoga Conference"  →

51. Alex Auder - "Magu Yoga, Old-School in Philly PA"  →

50. Dui Turner and Carol Horton - "Yoga With Veterans"  →

49. Theo Wildcroft "Re-Wilding Yoga"  →

48. Douglas Rushkoff "Team Human"  →

47. Brenda Feuerstein - "Georg’s Legacy"  →

46. Susanna Harwood Rubin - "Devi Soul and Yoga 365" →

45. Brian Leaf - "Garden State Yogi"  →

44. Katchie Ananda - "Jivamukti Vet, Spiritual Midwife"  →

43. Roslyn Brown - "J’s eldest daughter at age 7"  →

42. Ryan and Kate - "Unrolled Podcast"  →

41. Shelly Prosko - "Physio Yoga"  →

40. Erich Schiffmann - "Freedom Yoga"  →

39. Cristina Kuhn - "Living with MS"  →

38. Cyndi Lee - "OM Yoga"  →

37. Joey Slater-Milligan - "Yoga of Wheatus" →

36. Jason Crandell - "Professional Responsibility"  →

35. Wendy Reese - "Whole Being Zone"  →

34. Julie Buckner - "Closing InYoga"  →

33. Eddie Stern - "Ashtanga Yoga New York"  →

32. Sam Chase - "Yoga to the People"  →

31. Michael Lee - "Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapy" →

30. Hareesh (Christopher) Wallis - "Tantra Illuminated"  →

29. Jennilyn Carson - "Yogadork"  →

28. Pamela Tanner Boll - "A Small Good Thing"  →

27. Judith Hanson Lasater - "Restorative Yoga Queen"  →

26. Kerry Porter - "Hindu Facebook Justice"  →

25. Diane Bruni - "Ashtanga Unveiled"  →

24. Bernie Clark - "Yin Yoga"  →

23. Anneke Lucas - "Abuse of Power"  →

22. Neil Pearson - "Changing Pain Science"  →

21. Dianne Bondy - "Yoga For All"  →

20. Hari-kirtana das - "Krishna Consciousness" →

19. Matthew Remski - "Downregulated Yoga"  →

18. Pleasance Silicki - "Lil Omm, Magic-maker"  →

17. Mark Whitwell - "Heart of Yoga"  →

16. Jared Hirsch - "Yoga Dad aka Jahvocado" →

15. Carol Horton - "Yoga Ph.D."  →

14. J’s Online Workshop - "Bernie Sanders of Yoga"  →

13. Ann Votaw - "Uncertain Reality of a Freelancer" →

12. Andrew Tanner - "YA Policy on Yoga Therapy Terms"  →

11. Leslie Kaminoff - "Being a Yoga Educator"  →

10. Chase Bossart - "Old School Desikachar"  →

9. Cristina Kuhn - "The Yogi Underground"  →

8. Lilia Mead - "Go Yoga, Brooklyn Pioneer"  →

7. Ray Greenberg - "Yoga Life Style"  →

6. Roberta Karp - "I’m OK, Even with Chronic Pain"  →

5. Elena Brower - "Art of Attention"  →

4. Ryan Cunningham - "Indie Yoga in Boston" →

3. Richard Karpel - "Yoga Alliance and Bureaucracy"  →

2. Amy Matthews - "Somatic Yoga Anatomy"  →

1. Josh Sitron - "Josh Inspires J to Start a Podcast"  →