Michael Lear - "Trager Approach and Ashtanga Yoga"

Michael Lear - "Trager Approach and Ashtanga Yoga"

Michael, Lear, founder of Pangea Yoga and Yoga4Drummers, sits down with J to talk about his unique mix of Trager Approach and Ashtanga Yoga. Michael was born in Easton PA, the town that J moved to a few years ago. They discuss the early yoga scene there and his relationship to Ashtanga Yoga, integrative somatic therapies and transference of healing through nervous system communication, and the pure joy of rocking out.

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Jay Fields - "Teaching People Not Poses"

Jay Fields - "Teaching People Not Poses"

Jay Fields, author of Teaching People Not Poses, talks with J about their parallel journeys from the early blogosphere days and postural practice to embodiment principles and resilience. They discuss her studies in yoga and neuroscience, some pivotal events in her life, the principles of embodiment and resilience that she has come to teach, methods for inviting inquiry instead of imposing experience, and the power of doing things just for fun.

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Alex Auder - "Instagram Dick Pics and Somatic Dominance"

Alex Auder - "Instagram Dick Pics and Somatic Dominance"

Alex Auder, director of Magu Yoga, is a long-time friend of J’s from the early NY days and they get together to talk about her newly-gained Instagram stardom and the recent conversation around consent. They discuss what is behind Alex’s irreverence and trolling on social media, the NY times article, somatic dominance and implicit abuse, the precarious balance between holding people accountable and cancel culture, and the need for evolution.

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Catherine Salin Derrow - "NY Times Covers Consent and Touch"

Catherine Salin Derrow - "NY Times Covers Consent and Touch"

Catherine Salin Derrow, featured in a recent high-profile NY Times article, talks with J about her experience of becoming a flashpoint around consent and touch in yoga. They discuss what happened behind the scenes at the workshop covered by the NY Times, old-school teaching and healthy boundaries, holding people accountable and cancel culture, and the uncomfortable contradictions that must be reckoned with.

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Ethan Nichtern - "Shambhala Buddhism and Death of the Guru"

Ethan Nichtern - "Shambhala Buddhism and Death of the Guru"

Ethan Nichtern, author of The Road Home: A Contemporary Exploration of the Buddhist Path, has a candid conversation with J about the scandal in the Shambhala Buddhist community, the underlying dynamics at play, and the broader implications for modern spiritual seekers. They discuss the origins of the tradition, his relationship to Chögyam Trungpa and Sakyong Mipham, and what is needed to foster change in our inner lives and outer politics.

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Ean Price Murphy - "Money Shame Sucks"

Ean Price Murphy - "Money Shame Sucks"

Ean Murphy Price, founder of Moxie Bookkeeping, is an old friend who reconnects with J to discuss how to overcome money shame with cash-management systems that even yoga teachers can understand. They talk about Ean’s viewpoint on numbers and business as a balance of order and chaos, the emotional nature of money, using percentages and the Profit First system, and steps that can empower and fulfill a sense of purpose.

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Donna Farhi - "Iyengar Abuse and Changing Yoga Pedagogy"

Donna Farhi - "Iyengar Abuse and Changing Yoga Pedagogy"

Donna Farhi returns to the show to talk with J about addressing the fundamental problem of power abuse in Iyengar Yoga and beyond. They discuss the difference between pedagogy and ‘heutagogy’ or self-determined learning, when quiet authority is given by students or authoritarianism is asserted by teachers, educating people about what is between the lines and understanding the invisible matrix….

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Amy Quinn Suplina - "Best Practices for Studio Owners"

Amy Quinn Suplina - "Best Practices for Studio Owners"

Amy Quinn Suplina, founder of Bend and Bloom Yoga in Brooklyn, NY, talks with J about how her center has managed to survive when so many others have closed. They discuss what things were like when they opened their studios, the influences that shaped Amy’s choices, what has contributed to her centers’ sustainability including how much she pays her teachers, unionization efforts, and the healing power of developing community.

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Julie Dohrman - "Unionization and Evolving Yoga Industry"

Julie Dohrman - "Unionization and Evolving Yoga Industry"

Julie Dohrman, founder of Shaktiyoga New York, connects with J on the unionization effort at Yogaworks NYC and their shared experience of the evolving yoga industry. They discuss the early days of the NY scene and Julie’s initial foray into yoga, her time in the Anusara community and the trauma of its devolution, the difference between working for a corporation and an independent center, and the effort to create a yoga teacher union.

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Luvena Rangel - "Cultural Appropriation or Appreciation"

Luvena Rangel - "Cultural Appropriation or Appreciation"

Luvena Rangel, founder of The Curvy Yogi, talks with J about the trauma caused by colonization and the difference between cultural appropriation and appreciation. After reading Luvena’s blog, Too Much Ado Around Isms, Or is it?, J reached out to discuss the hurt caused by western yoga teachers’ insensitivity to the experiences of Desi’s and BIPOC (Black/Indigenous/ People of Color,) and how to stop perpetuating a legacy of injustice.

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Godfrey Devereux - "Unintimidated by Ideologies"

Godfrey Devereux - "Unintimidated by Ideologies"

Godfrey Devereux, author of many books including The Elements of Yoga, holds a special place in J’s mind and joins him to discuss the early seeds he planted and the hard-nosed realism he is known for. They discuss his formative years, the role he played and his regrets in “mainstreaming” yoga, gurus and rejecting hierarchies, zen, the harm created by using poses for anything other than developing sensitivity, and keeping mysticism practical.

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Marlysa Sullivan - "Eudaemonia, Polyvagal Theory, Yoga Therapy"

Marlysa Sullivan - "Eudaemonia, Polyvagal Theory, Yoga Therapy"

Marlysa Sullivan, coauthor of Yoga and Science in Pain Care and assistant professor at Maryland University of Integrative Health, talks with J about Eudaemonic Well-Being, Polyvagal Theory, and the difference between Yoga and Yoga Therapy. They discuss the intersection between yoga philosophy and biomedical science, samkya and evidence informed practice, creating research models, and a mutual agreement on clarifying yoga therapy.

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Ian Baker - "Tibetan Yoga and Tantric Buddhism"

Ian Baker - "Tibetan Yoga and Tantric Buddhism"

Ian Baker, author of Tibetan Yoga: Principles and Practices, talks with J about Tibetan Yoga and its radical underpinnings of Tantric Buddhism. They discuss Ian’s relationship to the Dalai Lama and the permission he was granted to reveal long-held secrets, misconceptions about Buddhism, the red-robbed sutric path of the renunciate and the white-robbed integrative path of the tantric, and the importance of restoring personal agency.

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Nathan Oxenfeld - "Yoga for the Eyes"

Nathan Oxenfeld - "Yoga for the Eyes"

Nathan Oxenfeld, founder of Integral Eyesight Improvement, talks about the Bates Method and helps J unravel some os his own vision patterns. They discuss Nathan’s journey of improving his eyesight and no longer needing glasses, Dr Bates and his method, connections and parallels between Integral Yoga, Sri Aurobindu, and the Bates Method, conventional notions about eye health, and the deeper implications of inquiry into eyesight.

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Dan Coniglio - "Wim Hof Method"

Dan Coniglio - "Wim Hof Method"

Dan Coniglio, an official Wim Hof Method Instructor, visits J in PA for an exchange of yoga, friendship, and ice baths. After J gave Dan a yoga class in his studio, Dan took J through a Wim Hof session that culminated in this conversation about the three pillars of: breath, mind and cold. They also discuss how Dan got to the method, parallels to yoga, understanding uncomfortable rituals, and the importance of remaining open..

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Chara Caruthers - "Loving Yourself Through Ayurveda"

Chara Caruthers - "Loving Yourself Through Ayurveda"

Chara Caruthers, author of Eat Like You Love Yourself, offers J a fresh look at Ayurveda as a means to know and love ourselves. Chara has been participating in J’s weekly teacher’s class and when he saw that she hosts a TV show on Ayurvedic cooking, he seized the opportunity to learn about her, discuss some commonly held misconceptions about Ayurveda, and explore practical ways of thinking about and applying Ayurvedic principles..

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Mark Whitwell - “Krishnamacharya and The Great Tradition”

Mark Whitwell - “Krishnamacharya and The Great Tradition”

Mark Whitwell sits down with J to discuss T. Krishnamacharya and the power of the cosmos. They have a long history together and in this rare meeting they discuss the paradox between abuse and blessings in guru lineages, what Mark means when he says “The Great Tradition,” the Krishnamurti’s role, and bringing forth a new renaissance of ancient wisdom in mainstream yoga and beyond.

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Nicole Cardoza - “Shame and Reclamation in Wellness Spaces”

Nicole Cardoza - “Shame and Reclamation in Wellness Spaces”

Nicole Cardoza, founder of Yoga Foster and Reclamation Ventures, joins J to discuss her recent run-in with Yoga Journal and the work she is doing to reduce the wellness gap. They discuss her background as a strategist for large companies like Nike, becoming a yoga teacher and volunteering in public schools, the recent controversy involving Yoga Journal, and her dedication to empowering teachers and closing the wellness gap.

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Frederick Newbill III - "Intersecting Race, Religion and Yoga"

Frederick Newbill III - "Intersecting Race, Religion and Yoga"

Frederick Newbill III reached out to J after listening to the show and his unique life experience inspired this discussion on the intersection of race, religion, and yoga. They discuss what it’s like to have a grandfather who is a prominent southern Baptist minister while having a father who is a career criminal, being mixed race, finding yoga and a passion for academic study in Sanskrit and Indic Religious History, and the power of yogic inquiry.

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