Todd Mclaughlin - "J on Native Yoga Toddcast"


Todd Mclaughlin, oo-founder and director of Native Yoga Center and host of the Native Yoga Toddcast, talks with J about current events and pressing matters. After appearing on Todd’s show, J felt like it captured the spirit of what he loves about podcasting and decided to re-release it on Yoga Talks as a fun switch. They discuss the storming of the US Capital and politics, the exposing of fake gurus and processing the fallout, surviving the pandemic and dealing with stark realities, and finding hope through conversation and connection.

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J. Brown

J. Brown is a yoga teacher, writer, and founder of Abhyasa Yoga Center in Brooklyn, New York. A teacher for 15 years, he is known for his pragmatic approach to teaching personal, breath-centered therapeutic yoga that adapt to individual needs. His writing has been featured in Yoga Therapy Today, the International Journal of Yoga Therapy, Elephant Journal and Yogadork.